Otto Zoo Gallery is pleased to present ICI, a group show including four Italian painters: Robert
Bosisio, Gianluca Di Pasquale, Angelo Mosca and Michele Tocca.
The exhibition, born from an Angelo Mosca’s idea, features the works of four artists, different in age, education and experience, sharing a profound interest in the research and in the re ection upon painting meaning. Each of their works, through its own logic and formal meditations, with emphasis put on subtle developments, potentialities, experiments, pathways, is close to the others for a strong common vocation, a similar vision of the artistic practice, which induced them to join together in this show.
The title ICI, thus, inspired by the sign once written by Picasso on the entrance of his studio in rue des Grands-Augustins, Paris, stands for the importance of the ‘studio’, of the ‘practice within’, underlining a certain sense of adventure, of intimacy and sympathy; but it is also meant to be an invitation to read the show ici, here, principally accessing its meaning by the visual experience, rather than by recurring to more general themes.
Robert Bosisio (Trodena, 1963) represents, on his canvases, intimate and symbolic landscapes suggesting the need to look beyond perception, by mean of juxtapositions of brushstrokes, colours and textures. Angelo Mosca (Chieti, 1961) intensely meditates on the strati cation of memories, continuously and passionately experimenting on the possibilities of the canvas. Gianluca Di Pasquale (Roma, 1971) analytically, yet promptly, xes puri ed instants of life, in between rigours and immediacy. The small paintings by Michele Tocca, (Subiaco, 1983), through the reconstruction of illusionary spaces, explore the tangible, subtle and playful nature of objects and gures, trying to grasp their certainty, their grave appearing and beauty.
“To me, the technique is the creative process, which implies all of my practice, the very concept of my work” says Angelo Mosca. “ICI is an immersion into painting, into the picture and its composing elements”.
The show is also conceived by the participants as the rst of a series of meetings and considerations, in private and public spaces, focused on current Italian painting.