Rage, rage against the dying of light.*
A dialogue between writers about a changing Europe.
A talk between Alessandro Raveggi and Vincenzo Latronico
Readings by Irene Grazioli
Otto Zoo
Friday, 15 February 2019
h 18,30
A dialogue between writers about a changing Europe.
A talk between Alessandro Raveggi and Vincenzo Latronico
Readings by Irene Grazioli
Otto Zoo
Friday, 15 February 2019
h 18,30
Otto Zoo presents Rage, rage against the dying of light, a talk based on the encounter with writer Alessandro Raveggi and his thoughts on the current critical issues Europe faces, from a literary standpoint and based on personal experience. The on-line literary review, recently published in “Studio”, will be discussed during the talk with novelist and critic Vincenzo Latronico, who also writes about Contemporary Art.
The generational dialogue between two authors, both born in the Eighties, will raise questions on whether the European peace model should be defended or not, a model which has coincided with their coming of age. This model has created a large community where people can travel without a passport, use the same currency, no longer have to deal with Customs, study in a different country from their own. Defending this model means not only protecting rights established by a bureaucratic agreement but preserving a memory and a common spirit that writers, more than others, have identified in a constant, obsessive balance between going forward and going backwards.
The voice of novels can perhaps shed some light on the European sentiment and on the complexity of its current situation: starting from the vision of fathers of 20th Century European Literature, such as Stefan Zweig or W.G. Sebald, and moving to Latin-American exile writers especially, such as Roberto Bolaño who have seized its free spirit, and finally arriving at French novelist Mathias Enard or new “great” Eastern writers such as László Krasznahorkai and Patrik Ouředník and the pages of Anna Maria Ortese, another great writer of the 20th Century.
During the talk, actress Irene Grazioli will read some excerpts from the above mentioned authors.
Alessandro Raveggi (Firenze, 1980), author, is the editor in chief of The FLR – The Florentine Literary Review.
Bompiani is publishing his next novel. He curated books for various Publishing Houses,; he wrote essays on Italo Calvino and D.F. Wallace. He is a contrubuting editor for Esquire, Il Tascabile, Studio. alessandroraveggi.com
Vincenzo Latronico (Roma, 1984) is a novelist and a translator. Bompiani published his three novels, while Quodlibet Humboldt his travelogue with the images of Armin Linke. He is contributing editor of Internazionale and frieze. He lives in Milan.
Irene Grazioli, actress and reader, started her career with Giorgio Barbiero Farsetti’s Compagnia Teatrale La Gaia Scienza. He then worked in Gabriele Salvatores’ Mediterraneo, Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and in François Girard’s Red Violin, Oscar for Best Soundtrack. She then worked with directors Pupi Avati, Marco Tullio Giordana, Luigi Comenicini. Since 2008 she is reader for Capalbio Libri festival, Book City and Tempo di Libri. Audio book Chocolat by Joan Harris with her voice, has been just released (Salani).
*From Dylan Thomas, Do not go gentle into that good night, 1951
Press Office: Maddalena Bonicelli, maddalena.bonicelli@gmail.com, +39 335 6857707.
Information: info@ottozoo.com, www.ottozoo.com